Little Readers offers a variety of classes, both in English and Afrikaans, that will help small children to develop a love for READING!! The demands on school children today are very different to those of earlier generations. Hence the ability to READ, to READ well and above all to LOVE reading is more important today than ever before. Good READERS become GOOD LEARNERS!!
In partnership with the schools in your area, Little Readers helps to
create a lifelong love for reading.

From the age of 3 we teach children sounds by means of sensory integrated fun activities.
Once they can identify sounds well, we introduce the sounding out of words and incidental reading. The classes are fun-filled and at a pre-schooler level. We use various games to grasp basic sounds well. “Big school” is full of adjustments and new challenges. Reading does not have to be one of them. We know that the advantage a child who is confident about his sounds and reading, is of great value!
In countries like England, America, New Zealand and Australia children begin to learn their sounds at the age of 3 or 4. In South Africa children begin this only when they are 6 or 7 years old and thus do not benefit from the best period of a young child’s brain development. We make use of Sensory Integrated Actvities and also Brain Integration (using both sides of the brain).

From the age of 3 we teach children sounds by means of sensory integrated fun activities.
Once they can identify sounds well, we introduce the sounding out of words and incidental reading. The classes are fun-filled and at a pre-schooler level. We use various games to grasp basic sounds well. “Big school” is full of adjustments and new challenges. Reading does not have to be one of them. We know that the advantage a child who is confident about his sounds and reading, is of great value!
In countries like England, America, New Zealand and Australia children begin to learn their sounds at the age of 3 or 4. In South Africa children begin this only when they are 6 or 7 years old and thus do not benefit from the best period of a young child’s brain development. We make use of Sensory Integrated Actvities and also Brain Integration (using both sides of the brain).

Letter & print awareness
Reading readiness
Phonological awareness
Letter Getters pack & Registration R525 (bag included).
Tuition fee is R1110 per term and can be paid once off or in two installments.
If you enroll during the term you will pay pro-rata depending on the number of classes your child will have to attend.
Letter & print awareness
Reading readiness
Phonological awareness
Payment option
Termly R1110
Bi-termly R555

Letter & print awareness
Reading readiness
Phonological awareness
Letter & print awareness
Reading readiness
Phonological awareness
Letter Getters pack & Registration R525 (bag included).
Tuition fee is R1110 per term and can be paid once off or in two installments.
If you enroll during the term you will pay pro-rata depending on the number of classes your child will have to attend.
Payment option
Termly R1110
Bi-termly R555

Sounding out words
Incidental reading
Phonological processes in place
Registration costs if the child was not previously enrolled of R275 (bag included)
Early BirdyReaders pack 1 & 2 - R305
Early Birdy Readers pack 3 - R120
Early Birdy Readers pack 1 to 3 - R425
Tuition fee is R1110 per term, and can be paid once off or in two installments.
If you enroll during the term you will pay pro-rata depending on the number of classes your child will have to attend.
Enjoy reading short stories
Avoid the fear element in reading
Payment option
Termly R1110
Bi-termly R555

Sounding out words
Incidental reading
Phonological processes in place
Enjoy reading short stories
Avoid the fear element in reading
Registration costs if the child was not previously enrolled of R275 (bag included)
Early BirdyReaders pack 1 & 2 - R305
Early Birdy Readers pack 3 - R120
Early Birdy Readers pack 1 to 3 - R425
Tuition fee is R1110 per term, and can be paid once off or in two installments.
If you enroll during the term you will pay pro-rata depending on the number of classes your child will have to attend.
Payment option
Termly R1110
Bi-termly R555
Grade 1 to 3 learners
While an early exposure to reading in the home language is the road to success, we also help learners who are not confident with their sounds or who can still not read. They too can be put on the road to success!!! Often parents discover at the beginning of Grade 2 that their children simply memorized Grade 1 School reading work and cannot actually read. This can cause tension and lead to a bad learning experience. “Little Readers” can help to identify the problem through a diagnostic test and provide practical help to overcome the problem. If a Grade 3 learner cannot read fluently, it can result in him falling behind in the learning process. It is therefore vital that this must be rectified in the Grade 3 year.
A child who enjoys reading and who reads often has a great academic advantage.

Grade 1 to 3 learners
While an early exposure to reading in the home language is the road to success, we also help learners who are not confident with their sounds or who can still not read. They too can be put on the road to success!!! Often parents discover at the beginning of Grade 2 that their children simply memorized Grade 1 School reading work and cannot actually read. This can cause tension and lead to a bad learning experience. “Little Readers” can help to identify the problem through a diagnostic test and provide practical help to overcome the problem. If a Grade 3 learner cannot read fluently, it can result in him falling behind in the learning process. It is therefore vital that this must be rectified in the Grade 3 year.
A child who enjoys reading and who reads often has a great academic advantage.

Overcoming reading difficulties in Grade 1 to 3
Creating a stress free environment for reading
Academic advantage through extra reading
Registration costs if the child was not previously enrolled of R270 (bag included)
Story Stackers Level 1 - R165 or/and
Story Stackers Level 2 - R108 or/and
Story Stackers Level 3 - R175 or/and
Story Stackers Level 4 - R108 or/and
Story Stackers Level 5 - R105 or
Story Stackers Pack 1 - 5 for R661
Tuition fee is R1050 per term, and can be paid once off or in two installments.
If you enroll during the term you will pay pro-rata depending on the number of classes your child will have to attend.
Payment option
Termly R1050
Bi-termly R525

Overcoming reading difficulties in Grade 1 to 3
Creating a stress free environment for reading
Academic advantage through extra reading
Registration costs if the child was not previously enrolled of R270 (bag included)
Story Stackers Level 1 - R165 or/and
Story Stackers Level 2 - R108 or/and
Story Stackers Level 3 - R175 or/and
Story Stackers Level 4 - R108 or/and
Story Stackers Level 5 - R105 or
Story Stackers Pack 1 - 5 for R661
Tuition fee is R1050 per term, and can be paid once off or in two installments.
If you enroll during the term you will pay pro-rata depending on the number of classes your child will have to attend.
Payment option
Termly R1050
Bi-termly R525

Basic sounds and phonics FAL.
Enjoy short stories
If a child loves to read in his or her home language at an early age, and gets support with his First Additional Language, he or she will be able to master additional languages with great ease. Children who read in both languages have a remarkable academic advantage over their peers.
Registration costs if the child was not previously enrolled of R270 (bag included).
FAL Bilingual Boomers pack R85 + Additional Pack (as determined by child's phase requirements.) of either Letter Getters pack or Story Stackers pack.
Tuition fee is R1050 per term, and can be paid once off or in two installments.
If you enroll during the term you will pay pro-rata depending on the number of classes your child will have to attend.
Introducing library challenge FAL
Developing confidence in the FAL
Payment option
Termly R1050
Bi-termly R525

Basic sounds and phonics FAL.
Enjoy short stories