If all the phases are covered through the games and books AND there is no “reading gaps”, we encourage children to be part of the Library Challenge in both Home Language and First Additional Language.
Through Rewards and Encouragement we introduce a wide range of recommended Library books to continue the extra reading and create a LIFELONG reader.
To be able to read is WONDERFUL. A love for reading is INVALUABLE, the ABILITY to read at an early age is the ROAD TO GREAT SUCCESS.
Little Readers offers a variety of classes that will help small children to develop a love for READING! The demands on school children today are very different to those of earlier generations. Hence the ability to READ, to READ and above all to LOVE reading, is more important today than ever before. Good READERS become GOOD LEARNERS!!
Benefits of Reading
Give your child the academic advantage by encouraging them to read for fun & to see for themselves how many things there is out there to read!!!